sábado, 6 de junio de 2009

My last topic extra

Hello, today I finish to work this year on the blog, because is my last extra entry to high notes, now I will explain the Deodorant.
In actuallity is very interesting to smell, very well, because the other people likes you so much, and if you like to go with other people, is necessary smell, very well, and the people are with you so much.
In the past, the people don't have any money to pay a one perfum, and only used the girls who are in the high society.
Now, in the actuallity, are a lot of perfums, one types, which costs a lot of money, and others which costs 10€. But are also copies of marks who sell, and is dangerous, to the body of persons, because don't pass anything controls of health. But the originals, yes.
And not very longest time, is created the deodorant spry, who have a one spceial action which is active more time, than a perfum.
This desodorant, is a good invention, because the people who it sweats more , than others smell more, and this is a good problem. Now with this is better.
Well, I finish my topic. Bye!

The bags

Hello, today I talk about of the bags.
In the starts of huaman times the paople create one type of form to transport the items, and other thinks.
Now are a lot of types of bags, and the people useful a lot, now have a lot of problems with one types of bags because the politics sayed the last time wich use a plastic bags use a lot of green house effect.
Well, one of this types of bags is the normal, bag wich is a recipient which the people use for transport many of food.
Other type is the school bag, which is to use normally to transport many of books and school matherial, and this is proporcional to go on the back.
An other type of bag is the supermarket bag, in actauallity the people use to go of his house with there bags and aren't cost money. Now is the people likes this bags buy it.
Now is obligatory on the supermakets give a paper bags or fabric.
And the most modern bag are the thermic bag, which are use to transport many of thinks which is necessary are cold, all time.
Well, I finish my topic. Bye!

Types of CD

Hello today I talk about of the types of CD's.
In the starts of the story of the memory cards, for computers, are velotionated and now are better.
This types of of cards only register a litlle bytes and don't have any memory, later exists a little discs who saved 2MBytes, there is good change, but isn't a lot of memorywhich names is disket disc, later which is necesary a lot of memory to save the maximum possible are exists now the CD which save approximately, 700 MByets, this is a good memory, and this CD (compact disc) now save allitle bit more beacuse the litlle information ,are in escale, macroscopic. They used now a lot to music.
Later, thanks to microscopic techonolic saves 4.7 GBytes, this memory is perfect to save digitally films, and now the used a lot. The name of this disc is DVD (digital versatile disc).
But the last one is the Blu-ray, this is a newest techonolic who have the nanothecnologic, and they save 25 Gygabytes, thjis quantity is really good. But now for save the best images and sound, is necessary a lot of memory.
This new memory starts to use comercial, only 3 years, and is specially to buy a reproductors of this disc, and the company Sonny create the Play Station 3 who works whith this technology, and the Tv of high resolution.
Well, I inish my topic. Bye!

The cleaners

Hello, today I will talk about the cleaners.
This persons are normally work on the houses but they no are payed nothnig because is an interet personally.
Are people who works on this, and the people works on the families who pays to clean his house because they have a lot of money and they prefer to goes another places than clean his house.
Now exists, the people who have money, they pay to a butler who was payed with a good money, but they have an important responsability.
Now exists a lot of machines to cleaner, for exmaple:
Vacuum cleaner, who is for clean the earth of the houses, other machine is: catches dust, who is to clean dust, other machine is a mopa, to washing with steam to clean a lot of types of parts of the house.
And other sophisticated machines to clean most quickly, but there costs so much.
Well, I finish with my topic. Bye!

Final Fantasy

Hello, today I will talk about the famous game of Final Fantasy.
In the story of games are exists of a lot of types, but this is one of the most famous of the world, because the people likes a lot, and I also, but this cause because the game have in ths starts of the firsts games of this game, the story are really good, and the game is of ROl, and is an strtategic game, and this game is the first which have one of the very longest games, than others which are repetitive. Other important characteristic, is is the best complexity games, because have a lot of characteristics, and in comparations of games of there times, which are tetris, and similar games, this caused the best revolution, and is a hard game, because, for understand this game, is also important know the story to complate and pass to another places. Other revolution of this game are the graphics to use and game to game are better, and now the have a perfect graphics, and the story changed.
In the starts games, the functional game, is to turns, and the velocity of characters, are important.
Oter new function to beterly the real time, is to use a line of velocity.
And the most newest is the fights are in real time, and the charcters have the possibility to run out, or fight to a line to attack.
For me this types of games, are the best.
Well, I finish.


Today I will talk about the form of Clouds.
In the earth, in the starts of the story of the earth exists a concentration of a lot of types of gases, which are concentred in the superficial part of the earth and later starts to rain.
When the humans see in the sky, they see a lot of types of cluds, depends this factor of the climeta conditions, the pession, and Sun and Moon.
Are differnt types of clouds, for example:
The clouds of wind, which are white, and depends of the velocity of the wind, are different forms.
Other type is the clouds of storm, which are very grey color and are concentred a lot of water, in here is possible to see a lot of water.
Other type is the black clouds which are very concentred of water, and have a very dangerous rain, because when start to rain, rain in a moment and is produced very concentrations of water, and thunders.
There types of clouds destroys every year a lot houses and kill a lot of people, but in the 1st world, we era protected.
Well, I finish!

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

Metin 2

This one is one of the firsts entries to extra ponits to high my notes of the English subject.
Today I will talk about of Metin 2.
In actuallity are a lot of boys and girls, who likes to play games a lot of hours, in my opinion there actions are incredible, and now the people have the possibility to play games on the computer, on the same time who works with homework, and talks with his friends to a messenger.
And now the people likes to play on the computer games, to don't buy another types of reproductor of games. Well, now the famous game to a computer are: Age of empires, and World war Craft.
But the people who don't have any money, to pay 40 euros approximatelly, goes to internet and search another game, who's name is Metin 2.
In my opinion this types of games, I don't like because, to finish this game, is necessary a planty of hours to pay attention, to the game. And this isn't interesting, and the people who's start don't finish because is addictive game. But the people talks with other players with the same chat.
Well, I finish my topic.

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

My last topic

Well, today I finish for this year the entries of this blog, and I will talk about the human evolution.
All starts 4 million of years ago, and starts to habits with the homo herectus, which starts to live many years, and starst to live to development the characteristics of human specie.
This is considered in the middle space of human and monkey, but, this starts which most intelligent than other animals.
The next one is possible to say that is homo habilis, which starts to move items of the earth to survive, and transports to the sabana to live, and starts to stund up, and run a litlle bit more than homo herectus.
Other is, homo sapiens neanderthalensis, which this animal starts to move arround the world, with the homo sapiens sapiens, and are rivals to survive.
But exists one question, why the spaiens kill and exterminated the neanderthalensis, because is so difficult, because the neanderthalensis are more bigger and stronger than spaiens.
Exists one theory about that, says which the spaines are more intelligent than neanderthalensis, and in groups kill the other os simple form, and control very well, the items of nature. And now we are there.
The scientists sayed that is possible but, everyear changed the theories, and is possible tomorrow to see a new human wich are in the middle about the others.
Well, I finish this therm and Bye!!

sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009


Hello, today I will talk about of the different types and explain a little bit the diseases.
Well, all the story, are exists a lot of diseases arround the world, but now, thanks to the pollution are incresed a lot the number of new diseases, and in special, the influenza.
On the story exists diseases which destroys a lot of human lifes, and kill a lot people, and there are a lot, but in the past aren't exists a vaccine to help all people.
Now exists a lot of viccene and methods to help the people to fight with the diseases, and survive.
In actuallity, and the last 200 years, the human specie started to produce vaccine to cure the people.
In actuallity with the vaccine, influenzas similar to Verola, and Peste negra, are destroyed, but new influenzas comes, for example one of the most famous is the sida's influenza.
That influenza destroys the defenses of inmune system and don't protect nothing about other little diseases, and for this kill a lot of people every year.
A new influenza wich comes this year, in México, is the H1-N1 with affect on the pigs and pearsons, but all of states are in crisis to control it, and it seems that will finished in 2012, which of all cure people which is infect with this new influenza.
Well, I finish my topic, Bye!

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009


Hello, today I will talk about of the different types of programs, to programing, with there and other types, of opics which are relationated.
In actallity are the century of informatic systems, and they betterly than other yaers, and is so better, year last year.
Now exists people which are dedicated to create a new software for compuetrs, and are all types, od software, encyclopedic, countables programs, office programs, photo programs,and more.
But in special, I like so much create the programs, and I hate the people who says that work don't have future, and are more to says which says to study informatic systems, but don't knows nothing about this world, because they believe that people, study informatic systems it's so easy, don't touch nothing maths, and other subjects, and it is so easy, and are other people who says, they knows the world of programas and it's so easy create aplications. But there people demostred wich don't know nothing else about this world, because in programs, is necesary to knows a lot maths, and the language of programing are a lot. They people says to know this world, because they used a programs to programming and are so easy and they prepared to do this, but really, is lie.
Well, exists a lot of types of programming programs and the people which worls to do there are works a lot but the people don't valorate nothing this work, and is most difficult than the people wich works in a office.
Well, I finish my topic. Bye!

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

The last week finally

Today, I will talk about of my lasts days, to improve and past this year, because I have a lot of exams of all of subjects and now it was difficult , because a lot of subjects it comes more metherial, and now is a new information which I don't know, and I learnt now.
This factor is produced because, with the new plan of studies. LOE is the new form of studies which we starts this, year, and now afect me, because the last yaer I don't pass, and now I wait to pass, because I study very hard.
In actuallity, we have a lot of exams of all types, and one or two subjects are difficult, and my work is hard.
Now with the new studies, the state changes the subjects informatic systems, to ciències per al món contemporani, and for me, I prefer to study informatic, than this new subject. Lucky to I study the last year the subjects and I have a good work, and good mark.
And to finally my topic I say, which I wait to pass this, year and in JUne continue the Treball de recerca. And finish it.
Well, bye!

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

The egg

Today I will talk about of the eggs of passover, because in easter holidays, all people is dedicated to paint this eggs, and all family are concentreted.
The eggs are comming of hen and the people later are eat when arrive the day, because in the last day this eggs they cooked and eat the people who prepared and paints the eggs.
Other tradition festival is the godmother buy a MONA, to the people who have the godmother recived this present who it consists to buy a egg of chocolate, but in actuallity this change and the markets sell structures of chocolate of different forms and now the childshot prefer the structures or forms of the television paints and famous people, and comics and more forms.
Well, today I finish my topic. Bye!

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009


Hello, today I talk about of the machines which prints.
There types of machines, in actuallity are very important to copy another documents, in paper of DIN-A4 to DIN-A0 and more...
In the past when it was invented the first machine to print caused an important evolution on the thechnology and the publication of books, are very fastly and later the people had the possibility to learnt in the schools, because the copies are costs minus than other times.
And the machines which prints are better, and the people now have tint of more quality, and are better the prints for all types.
Now, if you have a computer, it's so possible what do you have a print machine.
Now the printer are so important because the people use a lot of paper and in for example, works and in the school are use a lot of paper for works of all types of subjects.
Well, I finish today. Bye!!

sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

Which is the best computer (my opinion)

Hello, today I talk about of my opinion of the best computers, but for start, which computer do you choose?
If you like a tower form of PC, you choose one tower which his peaces don't costs a lot, the better are the bigger, than the little, because the bigger forms are a lot of peaces to buy and the price are minus than the little towers.
Now if you like a tower, but do you don't know, which is the best for you, because you are working in a specific, thinks.
For example: You are working which programs, for example photoshop, well, do you choose one of there, this computer will had a graphic target of minimum 2 Gigabytes., because the best are for professional, for example 16 Gigabytes, are for people who works with blender, and bigger designs.
If you work in internet a lot of time, and you have a lot of information, to download, you choose a one computer who have a lot of memory and big quantity of information to safe, the normal, are 250 Gigabytes, and another inportant question is if you like to work very quickly, do you choose one computer who have a good memory of RAM, for example 4 Gigabytes.
And are others, for example for people who workd in a office, or studiants, do you choose a one computer who don't have any memory or space in PC, for example 150 Gygabytes, is good for a lot of types of works, and who have a good ram, 2 or 4 Gigabytes of RAM.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

The prisoner of Zenda

Hello, today I talk about of the book which I read for the last book exam. The prisoner of Zenda.
That book is a little bit difficult to understand, because the plans of the book and ths same history are in the same time. I resume it.
One day Rudolf Rassendyll comes to Ruritania to visit this place and visit the coronation of the new king of this country.
Later when his family explain the problem who exists in to the two families, and rivals.
Goes to the coronation, and knows who the Duke, likes the princess Flavia, and catch the future king of Ruritania.
In the story Rudolf, with warriors of the king, goes to save the life of the king in a lot of places with different plans, but in one moment of the story the have one card of the Antoniette, who is the wife of the Dukes and comes into a trap of the Six, the official warriors of the Duke, and they are famous about the potetianl of warrior.
Later, Rudolf fall in love of Flavia, because he protect her to the Duke, and later with Fritz and Sapt, to important guardians of the king goes to the castle of Zenda to rescue him, and die a lot of soilders of the king and three of the Six, in this battle, one of there escaped, when he hurt Rudolf, but he's survived, and finally Rudolf decide to married with Flavia, but the story don't explain that.

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009

The CD

Hello, today I will explain the machines to save. And I start to say the different types and explain a litlle bit more of there.
I start to explain the most famous item to save information of all types, in the compueter, is the CD.
This item, the people use to save information , films, software, photos, images... and more. This is the most useful, and now the poloticians and the artists have a lot of problems about this item, because the people save films and music of there artists and sell, this CD to 10€, or appriximately for the littele price of cost.
The next one is the DVD, (Digital, Versatile, Disc). This have the same functions of the CD but in here is possible to save 4.7 GB, normally and in the CD 700 MB, but this one is prepared to save films and is, of course, cost more.
The final and, the people starts now to use it, is the Pen drive. This machine have a little form, and is very similar, of the computers bothooth, who the people sell.
In this site, the people have the possibility to buy, and have a high price, but have the possibility to use more times of all, but is only to save information , and trensport, this information, and use that in a lot of places, and different types of computers. Is possible to see to sell of, 2, 4, 5, 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and more in GB.
Well, I finish today my topic. Bye!!

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009


Hello, today I will explain the downloaders.
Are a lot of people who likes to give a other people documents, sofware videos, photos and other types of documents.
And now the programmers are create a one program who is for copy yours documents of one special folders of your computer and you the people copy there.
Now I don't know if use this types of programs are legal, but in the world of informatic systems, it isn't possible to lose with the policy if you don't sell, nothing illegally, if you don't have other types of thinks who are total illegally.
In this times the people use there downloadres, who's manes are, for example: Kazaa, E-mule, Ares, T-torrent, bit-torrent... and more.
The people who is interested about of different documents only use there programs and serach.
Later you click on do you prefer and download this document, which is only a one document of other people.
If you like to download this document more quickly, do you search your company of ADSL, and contract more potential, or serach documents who have a lot of people and download there because your computer copy the documents, which is the same and go more quickly.
Well, I finish my topic today. Bye!

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

The eyes

Hello, today I will talk about of the eyes.
On the nature, the people have the possibility to see a lot of many species of animals who have eyes, but only a little quantity of there are possible to see, who don't have, because is not necessary, to have them.
The eyes of all species are used for see the lights of sun and see the other things to survive.
The humans have also eyes, and for this reason the human see the others animals and thinks. The eyes of the humans are not very desenvolupate, than other species, for example a lot of birds.
The eyes have one important and different thinks depending of the specie. The eyes it's possible to finish to see if there are caused defections for health and for specie.
The eyes have and interesting think, because there are a lot of colours of eyes. Of all species, who haves there.
The colours are a lot, but the most important and haves the humans are: Brown, Black, Blue, and strange green, but are other colour who have the albin people, red colour.
The colour depends of the type of person. And the colour is so important, because if you have a light colour the sun effect more in your eyes, but if you have dark colour you have more resistance than the effects of sun.
Well, today I finish my topic. Bye!

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009

Horror stories

Hello, today I will talk about the horror storys.
The horror stories talks about of invented stories, which start on the past with, in special, on the medieval past.
On this more part of there stories talks about of the life of two persons who lived on seprate houses, and terrorific places who are very poor for on horror film.
The horror stories, people talks about that, because are interestings, and thinks isn't real, and the boys with girls, beleive his not have fear. But if in really they are very fear, persons.
Now the cinema and filmers catch stories, of many types, for presents a films in cinema. Because , there win a lot money, for the people who likes die.
In actuallity, are a lot of different types of films and stories.
Now the technologies are better than 10 years ago, and the special, effects are better and is more realistic, the impossible part to create there.
Well, today I finish my topic. Bye!

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2009


Hello, today I will explain the history of video.
In the past, no more than 100 years, starts the people to create with a very quantity of photos, and produce what the people who is paint, in one paper and moves there phtos, creates the effect to move this paint, and this quantity of images, are the videos, who is saved in different types of things.
In the history, the people was created differnt machines to save the images on this machine.
But in the actuallity the videos are in colour,, because in the past only are videos and don't haves sounds, of nothing types.
Now the videos are changed and are a lot of types of effects of videos, have colours, and sounds.
In actuallity are very important the videos and the cinema, and give a lot of money because all people likes to see videos of meny types.
And now exists little machines to save the images, of all types. And now included videos of high defintion in the mobile phones. The technology are better every year.
Well, today I finish my topic. Bye!

sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009


Hello, today I will explain a new topic, the universities.
In the history, than more of 1000 years, starts to create places to study the people, but only the people who have time and money, are the only people who goes to there places.
In a lot of time this norm is normal, but in the last 200 years changed, this norm. And now exists a lot of places to study.
The boys sayed the cientists laernt, more than adulthood people. Because his brain , is building.
Now, in the actuallity, the government, pay whith the state money of centers, who's names are schools. Who was educated the little people, starts childs who haves 5 years, than 12 years old.
Later, are other places, for example IES, high school, who the people study of 12 years, than 16 years old. This place starts the difficult studies, and more difficult all years.
Later, are in the same place or an other high school, go the pleople on Batxillerat, this have to time two years, and in the second year, in the final, are the PAU, who the people to goes to an important exam to go to the university.
And the university is the place to study more and the people pay to go on this place because is don't obligatory, and the different carees are different, and depends of the place to work.
This place exists to a lot of years, and in there times is more difficult to go with the studies than 50 years on the past.
Now on the different places of world are universities but the most famous are of Oxford.
Well, I finish my topic today. Bye!

viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009


Hello, today I will explain, other different topic, is the cameras.
Today I explain the cameras because is an interesting topic, and a lot of people have hobby of it.
In the past the firsts cameras are very biggest than now, and have the possibility to take one photo of the people and charge with more material.
This types of photos, normally are in black and white, but have short quality.
On the past of time the cameras are better, and with an important change in the photos are the past of blck and white colours, to a lot of clours, there types of cameras have more quality, and used minus material.
Now exists a lot of types of cameras, the nomal cameras of colour, the digital cameras, who have high definition, and more quality of photos. Other types are video cameras, to save a lot of phtos in one image. Other type is the camera of computer, who have the function, to talk whith other people and see there, is very emotional.
For the people who don't see of a lot of time this is so important and likes a lot.
Well, I finish my topic. Bye!

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009

The car

In actuallity the people who likes to drive a car wait to start to learnt, on 18 years old. But this year, 2009. Aparead a new code to drive, is now to start to learnt, on 17 years old.
The boys likes more there, because they have a car one year later, than the normally, and when have 18 years they finally the L. To new license.
But, exists a lot of problems to buy a car, because the people who have minus to 27 years old, and have aproximately 8 years , whith drive car license. Don't have the papers to drive. Because the secure companies don't give nothing, of this people. And is very difficult.
If one boy likes a new car to buy have minus possibilities, was don't apted to drive a car because the companies don't give there secures, and if they gives is very high price, on the year.
Now I bought a car, and I have 17 years old. This car is very beautiful, but is of second hand. But my friends says he likes a lot and is a good car.
My car is Hyndai coupe, this car is red, and is a beautful car.
Well, I finish my topic. Bye!

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

Carnival 2009

Hello, today i will explain the carnival party, and what consists.
The carnival party starts in Italy and later goes to an other countrys. For example in Spain.
Now on this week it's celebrate, and consists to buy special clothes, which normally don't exists and now, is the only one day what use there. In spain symbolize a one day who the people is liberty and plays of a lot of things because normally days there people are work and don't have time for this.
The childs celebrate a lot of this party, because the adult persons who don't likes there clothes says, but in general is for all people to refresh of live and goes to a lot of parties.
In Canarias, was celebrated a spceial carnival and win the best clothes.
But other place who was celebrated a lot is in Brazil. Because there people likes a lot of parties, and in the streets it's possible to make all things.
Well I finish today. Bye!

sábado, 21 de febrero de 2009


Hello, today I will explain the Halloween. This is a party for a lot of people but for anothers is, and the most important is a tradition.
This is produced on the gaelic persons who transforms his bodies for go oput the bad spirits, on one special and terrorific clothes.
This tradition is most important than others , but the people believe was created in United States of America.
This party is in 30 of October, who is all saints. On this day the people goes to the parties to create a special day. And the childs , on 9 o'clock, goes with groups to search sweets on different houses of the city.
This day is the most important and famous in the world, this day is competitive than new year day.
Now, in others countrys, is produced this a little than England, but starts with the globalization.
And others parties for example disapeared for this party in Catalonia, because the people likes to goes to the parties and likes more then other possible parties. Because is more original.
Well, I finish today: Bye!