viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009

The CD

Hello, today I will explain the machines to save. And I start to say the different types and explain a litlle bit more of there.
I start to explain the most famous item to save information of all types, in the compueter, is the CD.
This item, the people use to save information , films, software, photos, images... and more. This is the most useful, and now the poloticians and the artists have a lot of problems about this item, because the people save films and music of there artists and sell, this CD to 10€, or appriximately for the littele price of cost.
The next one is the DVD, (Digital, Versatile, Disc). This have the same functions of the CD but in here is possible to save 4.7 GB, normally and in the CD 700 MB, but this one is prepared to save films and is, of course, cost more.
The final and, the people starts now to use it, is the Pen drive. This machine have a little form, and is very similar, of the computers bothooth, who the people sell.
In this site, the people have the possibility to buy, and have a high price, but have the possibility to use more times of all, but is only to save information , and trensport, this information, and use that in a lot of places, and different types of computers. Is possible to see to sell of, 2, 4, 5, 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and more in GB.
Well, I finish today my topic. Bye!!

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009


Hello, today I will explain the downloaders.
Are a lot of people who likes to give a other people documents, sofware videos, photos and other types of documents.
And now the programmers are create a one program who is for copy yours documents of one special folders of your computer and you the people copy there.
Now I don't know if use this types of programs are legal, but in the world of informatic systems, it isn't possible to lose with the policy if you don't sell, nothing illegally, if you don't have other types of thinks who are total illegally.
In this times the people use there downloadres, who's manes are, for example: Kazaa, E-mule, Ares, T-torrent, bit-torrent... and more.
The people who is interested about of different documents only use there programs and serach.
Later you click on do you prefer and download this document, which is only a one document of other people.
If you like to download this document more quickly, do you search your company of ADSL, and contract more potential, or serach documents who have a lot of people and download there because your computer copy the documents, which is the same and go more quickly.
Well, I finish my topic today. Bye!

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

The eyes

Hello, today I will talk about of the eyes.
On the nature, the people have the possibility to see a lot of many species of animals who have eyes, but only a little quantity of there are possible to see, who don't have, because is not necessary, to have them.
The eyes of all species are used for see the lights of sun and see the other things to survive.
The humans have also eyes, and for this reason the human see the others animals and thinks. The eyes of the humans are not very desenvolupate, than other species, for example a lot of birds.
The eyes have one important and different thinks depending of the specie. The eyes it's possible to finish to see if there are caused defections for health and for specie.
The eyes have and interesting think, because there are a lot of colours of eyes. Of all species, who haves there.
The colours are a lot, but the most important and haves the humans are: Brown, Black, Blue, and strange green, but are other colour who have the albin people, red colour.
The colour depends of the type of person. And the colour is so important, because if you have a light colour the sun effect more in your eyes, but if you have dark colour you have more resistance than the effects of sun.
Well, today I finish my topic. Bye!

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009

Horror stories

Hello, today I will talk about the horror storys.
The horror stories talks about of invented stories, which start on the past with, in special, on the medieval past.
On this more part of there stories talks about of the life of two persons who lived on seprate houses, and terrorific places who are very poor for on horror film.
The horror stories, people talks about that, because are interestings, and thinks isn't real, and the boys with girls, beleive his not have fear. But if in really they are very fear, persons.
Now the cinema and filmers catch stories, of many types, for presents a films in cinema. Because , there win a lot money, for the people who likes die.
In actuallity, are a lot of different types of films and stories.
Now the technologies are better than 10 years ago, and the special, effects are better and is more realistic, the impossible part to create there.
Well, today I finish my topic. Bye!

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2009


Hello, today I will explain the history of video.
In the past, no more than 100 years, starts the people to create with a very quantity of photos, and produce what the people who is paint, in one paper and moves there phtos, creates the effect to move this paint, and this quantity of images, are the videos, who is saved in different types of things.
In the history, the people was created differnt machines to save the images on this machine.
But in the actuallity the videos are in colour,, because in the past only are videos and don't haves sounds, of nothing types.
Now the videos are changed and are a lot of types of effects of videos, have colours, and sounds.
In actuallity are very important the videos and the cinema, and give a lot of money because all people likes to see videos of meny types.
And now exists little machines to save the images, of all types. And now included videos of high defintion in the mobile phones. The technology are better every year.
Well, today I finish my topic. Bye!