jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

The eyes

Hello, today I will talk about of the eyes.
On the nature, the people have the possibility to see a lot of many species of animals who have eyes, but only a little quantity of there are possible to see, who don't have, because is not necessary, to have them.
The eyes of all species are used for see the lights of sun and see the other things to survive.
The humans have also eyes, and for this reason the human see the others animals and thinks. The eyes of the humans are not very desenvolupate, than other species, for example a lot of birds.
The eyes have one important and different thinks depending of the specie. The eyes it's possible to finish to see if there are caused defections for health and for specie.
The eyes have and interesting think, because there are a lot of colours of eyes. Of all species, who haves there.
The colours are a lot, but the most important and haves the humans are: Brown, Black, Blue, and strange green, but are other colour who have the albin people, red colour.
The colour depends of the type of person. And the colour is so important, because if you have a light colour the sun effect more in your eyes, but if you have dark colour you have more resistance than the effects of sun.
Well, today I finish my topic. Bye!

1 comentario:

cristian dijo...

Hii Joeel!
Thanks for comment on my blog and I've just seen your music and I like it so muchh.
More crazy are our when meet wherever we want although be a polite place! jajjjajja
So I hope you've enjoyed this last weekend because this week we won't have any exams, well I've only one about Earth Sciences but it's easy.

See you tomorrow on Phisycal education!
