domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

The games

In the history the childs plays a lot of games arround the world, and in different countries exists different plays, or games.
In the past of the years the games are prefectionaly, with more difficult rules in old types of games.
Normally the childrens are only the players because, they have more time than fathers , and the fathers only have a work, only for this think the people start to say, the plays and games are only for the childs.
But now exists games for old people, for intelligent people, and no.
In the world, they starts the games in the street, but later the people was inveted table games. There games are more famous arround the world because, the adulhood, likes play on there games because help to relaxing and use the brain a lot. With this types of games the people training there brains. For exmaple: chess, poker, strategic games, bingo...
But now, in there times the poeple starts with a new renavtion of games, there games is necessary use the tv. This types of games changed completly with the others because, there games to contribute adiction to plays in there games.
But the thecnology gives in there games parts of films, and are goods, but are an others who only contribute for kill people, and similars. (The machines are: playstation, Wii, and similars.)
Well, I finish today and I gives you one game of microsoft who are a kill people, but this game is so famous arround the world. Gears of war.

sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2008

The music

This topic talks about the music.
Today I explain the music of the wolrd.
The music exists are more to 2000 years, and it was created for the humans. Arround the world, are very famous because is a one job who likes old people, and estimulate the senses, and relaxing.
The music on the time changes, there music are more difficult, and create this with the invent of the humans, the instrumental.
There machines create a music and there machines on the time are prefectionaly, with the forms of likes the people. And there create the music with the song.
There is very important because in actually forms with this.
On the time the model to likes music changed. And are a lot of compositors famous: For example: Beethoven, Chopin, Vivaldi, Verdi, Mozart... and more.
Now this music are not use and the people created a lot of types of music, because the news tchnologies are changed.
For example: Pop, rap, techno, house, reggae, makina... and more.
With this topic I explain the important function of the music.
Now I gives one video of the new french single. Of kate Ryan.Elle Ella.

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008


This is the first therm of the year 2008-2009.
In this blog I explain a lot of information about a lot of things and interesting thinks, about the differnt subjects of the school, but with this advantage, I not lose motivate in this year, because I don't pass the last year and I work a lot.
I don't like explain more about this think!.
Now I return with more motivation for pas this year because if I don't pass, I don't go to stdy in this center.
I wait, this year, my teachers, they see my work, of this return than the other year.
This summer I practice a lot of talk in English, with cousins of Poland.
Now I finish my presentation of this new year.I wait, this year, are so better.