domingo, 19 de abril de 2009


Hello, today I talk about of the machines which prints.
There types of machines, in actuallity are very important to copy another documents, in paper of DIN-A4 to DIN-A0 and more...
In the past when it was invented the first machine to print caused an important evolution on the thechnology and the publication of books, are very fastly and later the people had the possibility to learnt in the schools, because the copies are costs minus than other times.
And the machines which prints are better, and the people now have tint of more quality, and are better the prints for all types.
Now, if you have a computer, it's so possible what do you have a print machine.
Now the printer are so important because the people use a lot of paper and in for example, works and in the school are use a lot of paper for works of all types of subjects.
Well, I finish today. Bye!!

sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

Which is the best computer (my opinion)

Hello, today I talk about of my opinion of the best computers, but for start, which computer do you choose?
If you like a tower form of PC, you choose one tower which his peaces don't costs a lot, the better are the bigger, than the little, because the bigger forms are a lot of peaces to buy and the price are minus than the little towers.
Now if you like a tower, but do you don't know, which is the best for you, because you are working in a specific, thinks.
For example: You are working which programs, for example photoshop, well, do you choose one of there, this computer will had a graphic target of minimum 2 Gigabytes., because the best are for professional, for example 16 Gigabytes, are for people who works with blender, and bigger designs.
If you work in internet a lot of time, and you have a lot of information, to download, you choose a one computer who have a lot of memory and big quantity of information to safe, the normal, are 250 Gigabytes, and another inportant question is if you like to work very quickly, do you choose one computer who have a good memory of RAM, for example 4 Gigabytes.
And are others, for example for people who workd in a office, or studiants, do you choose a one computer who don't have any memory or space in PC, for example 150 Gygabytes, is good for a lot of types of works, and who have a good ram, 2 or 4 Gigabytes of RAM.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

The prisoner of Zenda

Hello, today I talk about of the book which I read for the last book exam. The prisoner of Zenda.
That book is a little bit difficult to understand, because the plans of the book and ths same history are in the same time. I resume it.
One day Rudolf Rassendyll comes to Ruritania to visit this place and visit the coronation of the new king of this country.
Later when his family explain the problem who exists in to the two families, and rivals.
Goes to the coronation, and knows who the Duke, likes the princess Flavia, and catch the future king of Ruritania.
In the story Rudolf, with warriors of the king, goes to save the life of the king in a lot of places with different plans, but in one moment of the story the have one card of the Antoniette, who is the wife of the Dukes and comes into a trap of the Six, the official warriors of the Duke, and they are famous about the potetianl of warrior.
Later, Rudolf fall in love of Flavia, because he protect her to the Duke, and later with Fritz and Sapt, to important guardians of the king goes to the castle of Zenda to rescue him, and die a lot of soilders of the king and three of the Six, in this battle, one of there escaped, when he hurt Rudolf, but he's survived, and finally Rudolf decide to married with Flavia, but the story don't explain that.