sábado, 31 de mayo de 2008

The seasons of the year

Today I talk about of the seasons of the year.
This stations are composed for four: Spring, summer, autumm and winter.
This manifestations of the nature are produce for the situation of the earth arround the Sun.
With this changes of climate, is one factor to produce the life of the
animals and humans.
In the time produce a few change. And the differents situation are manifested the different types of climate.
I start to explain, with the spring: The spring is the climate who's trouve in a lot of the winter, and the summer. This climate produce the aproximation of the hot in the planet, and with this produce the time to be born the animals. And is the time to reproduction of the plants.
The summer: Is the time who is trouve a lot of the autumm and spring. This time is very hot, in the planet because the situation of this is a lot of the Sun.
The autumm: This is the time who's trouve a lot of the winter and the summer. In this time the the hot are eliminate and start the cold with the rains, and natural catastrophes.
And for finish the winter: Is the time who's trouve a lot of the spring and the autumm. In this time are very cold, and this produce because the planet situation is very longest situation of the passage the earth arround the Sun.
Well, I finish today.

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008

The cars

Today I talk about the cars.
The cars is a one invent of the humans, and the principal objective of this is halp in the transport of material and help the people to travel arround the world.
The cars is a one invent who was invented in the modern age.
This invent start with the machine of Newton, the steam machine, this machine is the motor of the car in there times.
Now exists a diferent types of cars, for example: the speed cars, the transport cars, the travel cars, the family cars, mini cars( for the people who don't have the possibiliy to go with a normal.
With this inevent the industrial have a differents designer cars, for the sepciallity of there cars, and likes the people who buy a cars.
In there times a lot of people have a car, and the people have the possibilty to go on travel arround the world, and with this are happy.
With the invent to steam machine, change the technology, and now are very good cars, the change of velocity in comparation of 50 years are change and the materials for use are economic.
With the motor, and necessity of transport of big quantities of items, are necessesary other type of cars, for example: The trucks, motor bikes, vans, and plains.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008

The museums

Today, I talk about of the museums.
The museum is a one place who are have a lot of thinks.
There places are a lot of information about the speciallity of the museum, and there have items who haves an important price.
Because, this price a lot of thiefs going for there items, because exists a lot of buyings who buys there items.
The museum is a one place who haves a recopilation of historic items, and in here are expose.
Exists a very quantity of museums and there have a one think.
For example exists a importants museums:
The museum of natural history, egipt museum, fishes museum, machines museum, space museum, diamonds museum..., and more.
Despends of the place of the museum are specialitate in this think.

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008

The aliens

Today, I talk about aliens.
The aliens is a one think of the people, because in there times don't believe in this think.
In the story the people believe in a one other form of live but this don't is in this planet.
Now sometimes the people goes to space and they believe in the possibility of exists intelligent live in other planet of the sapce.
The people belive of this because if in this planet exists intelligent blive, in other planet why not.
The scientist says of the people who isn't possible because the planet, will be exists the same characteristics of this planet.
But the people don't believe that, and the scientists continous search this planet or the aliens.
Of this topic, a lot of people says look one UFO.
And for this, the people invented a lot of films about that.
Most of people believe, if the aliens comes in here, there destroys this planet, and other think is no.
Now exists two films who presents a lot of polemic problems, but are very original films: The independence day, and the war of the worlds.

martes, 27 de mayo de 2008

The films

I explain today the films.
The film is a one invent of the people who presents the different stories of differnt things and presents a different actors.
Exists a lot of stories. For example: Love stories, horror films, scary films, fiction films, natural films, police films, humor films, war films,... and more.
There films are create for a participation of a lot of actors (mans and womans), who presents the people of the film.
There films are presents in a one important contest for win a lot of presents and produce more famous.
The films are necessary a one important investment for consume the material of items of the objects necesary for the film, and pay the actors.

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008

The green house effect

I explain today the green house effect, because is a problem who go in there times.
Well, the green house effect is produce, for the climate change.
This climate chenge is produce whith differents factors:
One of this factors is the global warming for the contamination of gas CO2 in the atmosphere.
This gas produce one castrate in the atmosphere and produce the increase of temperature.
This climate changes produce a lot of conseqüences in the nature, for example:
The exctintion of more species in the world; other c0onseqüence is the defrosting of poles;
other is the lack of water, other is the increase of fires in the world; ascient of the level of water arround the world, and others things.
This climate change is very dangerous arround the world, because is possible to destroys the world, but the scientists don't believe with this horror thing. And continues destroys the earth with the people who find one form for don't create this.

domingo, 25 de mayo de 2008

The earth

I explain today the earth.
In here are a lot of different things. But the earth isn't only the superior part who is the best for the humans, because haves the material, who's produce the live.
The earth are a different parts:
The terrestrial crust, mantle, outer core, and inter core.
The terrestrial crust is the part of the earth, who lives the people and the plants, and the live. The very quantities of different types of materials is in this part.
The mantle is the part who haves 2900Km of long, and have a big pression and big temperatures, who the people don't goes never.
The inter and out core of the earth is the little part of the earth, but in here are a material who haves a big quantities of hot materials.
Well, I finish my topic.

sábado, 24 de mayo de 2008

The meteorology

I explain today the meteorology.
This system is the different causes who produce the factors of the different forms climate in the planet.
Exists differents factors of meteorology, there are: rain, sunny, wind, the combination of the others; and differnt factors very dangerous, for example there are: Huracanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, electrical rain...
But, for predict this problemes and prepare for this, exists the meteoroly man, who explains with the help to the Meteosat 7, the prediction on TV about the meteorology of the different countries arround the world.
The people likes this, because if the people prepared one plan for go another place, the people it knows the temperature and the meteorology of the place who goes.

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

The third therm

I start my blog this third term with one little introduction of I wait this therm.
I am propose study a lot for past in Second of Batxillerat, the last therm I studied a lot for past, but this is the horrible therm, well I wait to past this term I go to study a big quantities of hours.
Now, this term I specialitate with the computer about of differets programs, who I don't understand never.
I will to study a lot of the differents programs of computer and speciallitate in there.
Well, I presents my 1st work of the therm.