sábado, 28 de febrero de 2009


Hello, today I will explain a new topic, the universities.
In the history, than more of 1000 years, starts to create places to study the people, but only the people who have time and money, are the only people who goes to there places.
In a lot of time this norm is normal, but in the last 200 years changed, this norm. And now exists a lot of places to study.
The boys sayed the cientists laernt, more than adulthood people. Because his brain , is building.
Now, in the actuallity, the government, pay whith the state money of centers, who's names are schools. Who was educated the little people, starts childs who haves 5 years, than 12 years old.
Later, are other places, for example IES, high school, who the people study of 12 years, than 16 years old. This place starts the difficult studies, and more difficult all years.
Later, are in the same place or an other high school, go the pleople on Batxillerat, this have to time two years, and in the second year, in the final, are the PAU, who the people to goes to an important exam to go to the university.
And the university is the place to study more and the people pay to go on this place because is don't obligatory, and the different carees are different, and depends of the place to work.
This place exists to a lot of years, and in there times is more difficult to go with the studies than 50 years on the past.
Now on the different places of world are universities but the most famous are of Oxford.
Well, I finish my topic today. Bye!

viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009


Hello, today I will explain, other different topic, is the cameras.
Today I explain the cameras because is an interesting topic, and a lot of people have hobby of it.
In the past the firsts cameras are very biggest than now, and have the possibility to take one photo of the people and charge with more material.
This types of photos, normally are in black and white, but have short quality.
On the past of time the cameras are better, and with an important change in the photos are the past of blck and white colours, to a lot of clours, there types of cameras have more quality, and used minus material.
Now exists a lot of types of cameras, the nomal cameras of colour, the digital cameras, who have high definition, and more quality of photos. Other types are video cameras, to save a lot of phtos in one image. Other type is the camera of computer, who have the function, to talk whith other people and see there, is very emotional.
For the people who don't see of a lot of time this is so important and likes a lot.
Well, I finish my topic. Bye!

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009

The car

In actuallity the people who likes to drive a car wait to start to learnt, on 18 years old. But this year, 2009. Aparead a new code to drive, is now to start to learnt, on 17 years old.
The boys likes more there, because they have a car one year later, than the normally, and when have 18 years they finally the L. To new license.
But, exists a lot of problems to buy a car, because the people who have minus to 27 years old, and have aproximately 8 years , whith drive car license. Don't have the papers to drive. Because the secure companies don't give nothing, of this people. And is very difficult.
If one boy likes a new car to buy have minus possibilities, was don't apted to drive a car because the companies don't give there secures, and if they gives is very high price, on the year.
Now I bought a car, and I have 17 years old. This car is very beautiful, but is of second hand. But my friends says he likes a lot and is a good car.
My car is Hyndai coupe, this car is red, and is a beautful car.
Well, I finish my topic. Bye!

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

Carnival 2009

Hello, today i will explain the carnival party, and what consists.
The carnival party starts in Italy and later goes to an other countrys. For example in Spain.
Now on this week it's celebrate, and consists to buy special clothes, which normally don't exists and now, is the only one day what use there. In spain symbolize a one day who the people is liberty and plays of a lot of things because normally days there people are work and don't have time for this.
The childs celebrate a lot of this party, because the adult persons who don't likes there clothes says, but in general is for all people to refresh of live and goes to a lot of parties.
In Canarias, was celebrated a spceial carnival and win the best clothes.
But other place who was celebrated a lot is in Brazil. Because there people likes a lot of parties, and in the streets it's possible to make all things.
Well I finish today. Bye!

sábado, 21 de febrero de 2009


Hello, today I will explain the Halloween. This is a party for a lot of people but for anothers is, and the most important is a tradition.
This is produced on the gaelic persons who transforms his bodies for go oput the bad spirits, on one special and terrorific clothes.
This tradition is most important than others , but the people believe was created in United States of America.
This party is in 30 of October, who is all saints. On this day the people goes to the parties to create a special day. And the childs , on 9 o'clock, goes with groups to search sweets on different houses of the city.
This day is the most important and famous in the world, this day is competitive than new year day.
Now, in others countrys, is produced this a little than England, but starts with the globalization.
And others parties for example disapeared for this party in Catalonia, because the people likes to goes to the parties and likes more then other possible parties. Because is more original.
Well, I finish today: Bye!