sábado, 6 de junio de 2009

Types of CD

Hello today I talk about of the types of CD's.
In the starts of the story of the memory cards, for computers, are velotionated and now are better.
This types of of cards only register a litlle bytes and don't have any memory, later exists a little discs who saved 2MBytes, there is good change, but isn't a lot of memorywhich names is disket disc, later which is necesary a lot of memory to save the maximum possible are exists now the CD which save approximately, 700 MByets, this is a good memory, and this CD (compact disc) now save allitle bit more beacuse the litlle information ,are in escale, macroscopic. They used now a lot to music.
Later, thanks to microscopic techonolic saves 4.7 GBytes, this memory is perfect to save digitally films, and now the used a lot. The name of this disc is DVD (digital versatile disc).
But the last one is the Blu-ray, this is a newest techonolic who have the nanothecnologic, and they save 25 Gygabytes, thjis quantity is really good. But now for save the best images and sound, is necessary a lot of memory.
This new memory starts to use comercial, only 3 years, and is specially to buy a reproductors of this disc, and the company Sonny create the Play Station 3 who works whith this technology, and the Tv of high resolution.
Well, I inish my topic. Bye!

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