sábado, 6 de junio de 2009

Final Fantasy

Hello, today I will talk about the famous game of Final Fantasy.
In the story of games are exists of a lot of types, but this is one of the most famous of the world, because the people likes a lot, and I also, but this cause because the game have in ths starts of the firsts games of this game, the story are really good, and the game is of ROl, and is an strtategic game, and this game is the first which have one of the very longest games, than others which are repetitive. Other important characteristic, is is the best complexity games, because have a lot of characteristics, and in comparations of games of there times, which are tetris, and similar games, this caused the best revolution, and is a hard game, because, for understand this game, is also important know the story to complate and pass to another places. Other revolution of this game are the graphics to use and game to game are better, and now the have a perfect graphics, and the story changed.
In the starts games, the functional game, is to turns, and the velocity of characters, are important.
Oter new function to beterly the real time, is to use a line of velocity.
And the most newest is the fights are in real time, and the charcters have the possibility to run out, or fight to a line to attack.
For me this types of games, are the best.
Well, I finish.

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