viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009

The CD

Hello, today I will explain the machines to save. And I start to say the different types and explain a litlle bit more of there.
I start to explain the most famous item to save information of all types, in the compueter, is the CD.
This item, the people use to save information , films, software, photos, images... and more. This is the most useful, and now the poloticians and the artists have a lot of problems about this item, because the people save films and music of there artists and sell, this CD to 10€, or appriximately for the littele price of cost.
The next one is the DVD, (Digital, Versatile, Disc). This have the same functions of the CD but in here is possible to save 4.7 GB, normally and in the CD 700 MB, but this one is prepared to save films and is, of course, cost more.
The final and, the people starts now to use it, is the Pen drive. This machine have a little form, and is very similar, of the computers bothooth, who the people sell.
In this site, the people have the possibility to buy, and have a high price, but have the possibility to use more times of all, but is only to save information , and trensport, this information, and use that in a lot of places, and different types of computers. Is possible to see to sell of, 2, 4, 5, 1, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and more in GB.
Well, I finish today my topic. Bye!!

3 comentarios:

get rich or die trying dijo...

Joel this topic ever are problematic because people stealing with verginal CD's. And musicians and famous people don't win money.

get rich or die trying dijo...

Is very good

Joel dijo...

Yes, you have a good reason, but because this I talked in other entry, to talk the pirates, and similars.
Bye! Thanks for your comment.